Extended-Family Portraits

Extended Family Portraits, Large Groups, Family get-together, Family Reunion Portraits.

Extended family portraits NYC, Long Island, Westchester

It’s often hard to get a large group to coordinate a time to get together for a photo… But once in a while when all the stars are aligned..it does happen, and it’s a great time to document the whole family.

Group family portraits

Family reunion, birthday an just a holiday get-together,

Special gift

Clients often set out to do a photo of all the grandchildren or cousins as a gift. Many of these extended family portraits sessions have been done as a gift for the grandparents.

These sessions are usually more straight forward and are about documenting everyone who’s there, we’ll cover all the different combinations (i.e all the cousins/grandchildren together, grandma and her children etc.) as well as capture a family portraits for each of the individual households who are present that day.